Purchasing a car for use in Japan |
If you live in Japan and wish to purchase a car for use in Japan, we can supply one of these cars or others from stock not listed on autojapan.com. We have many cars we do not display because we feel they are unsuitable for the export market or they are in stock for a very short time. Please email any request you may have to us. Our terms of trade are on a wholesale basis so we do not provide any finance arrangements whatsoever and payment must be made in full at the time of purchase. We may trade your vehicle but our trade will be a wholesale price. Our main offices are in Fukuoaka, Osaka and Chiba. If you wish to purchase a car, please contact the office nearest your area. We can transport or ship cars to any part of Japan. |
For Kyushu, Tokyo and Yamaguchi area, please contact Yoko on 09010809079 or +81 9084171035 |